Making Your Site Mobile Responsive: The Hows and Whys

It may seem like enough work just keeping up with the Joneses in the arena of web optimization, but unfortunately, that’s not enough in our rapidly progressing digital society. More and more web users are accessing the internet through their mobile devices rather than on a desktop or laptop.


Because they are all on their phones, all the time. We are all on our phones all the time.

It’s a no-brainer. Should I wait until I get home and ask Google this question on my MacBook, or should I just take a moment to ask Siri to search the internet for this query right now? Users are choosing the latter option more and more frequently, so it’s time we catch up with them and make our sites as responsive to mobile use as possible.

Mobile Equity

It’s absolutely crucial to optimize your site not only for your favorite mobile device or the one your customers use most often, but also for all other mobile devices. An Android user doesn’t want to be left in the dark because they can’t navigate your site as well as their neighbor with an iPhone.

Consider the user experience on all devices when making changes to your current site to optimize it for mobile.

Keep Your Site

Don’t make a separate site for mobile users. This will confuse users, and they may end up on the mobile version even from a desktop. This also creates more work for you. Google may even punish you for creating duplicate content.

Instead, make changes to the website you’ve already got set up. That way, regardless of how they’re viewing, their viewing and using experience will be seamless.

Clickable Calls to Action: Buttons Matter

You always want to direct your site viewer to a next step through a call to action. Making that action clear and simple is key.

Buttons are a great user-friendly call to action. Making sure buttons are large enough to be clicked on a touch screen is important for mobile. You want to minimize the chances that they will miss the button or accidentally hit another link that takes them elsewhere. When it comes to buttons, the bigger, the better.

Making your phone number a clickable button is also a great idea. If site visitors have any questions your site doesn’t clearly answer, they can get in touch with you after one click of a button. Speaking to them directly greatly increases chances of gaining another customer, so make sure they can speak to you via one click on a big button.

Easy Navigation Increases Conversion

If going through the work of mobile optimization seems too laborious or unnecessary, don’t look at it as making browsing easier for readers. Instead, think of it as making your site or business more profitable.

Navigating a site easily means users will be able to find what they’re looking for. No one wants to do business with a company that makes their life difficult. If mobile navigation is poor, they will leave the site shortly.

The more users navigating smoothly on your site and considering your business, the more business you’ll get. And if the users are always on their phones, that’s a great place to reel them in.

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